Driving home from the Cities yesterday, Greg and I were talking about Denny. I was remembering the time we had gone to Grandma's for Dinner. Grandma and I walked to church and the rest stayed at their house. Grandma had a flat tire on her "52" Green Chevy and asked Denny to change it for her, which he did. Earlier in the morning, Grandpa said he would give Denny 50 cents to change it for him. So when Denny asked Grandma later for his 50 cents she said " you ate dinner didn't you"? He said he did. Nothing more was said about it. Later after we had been home Grandma called and said Denny put her flat tire back on and Denny got in really big trouble with Dad. I told Dad I heard Grandpa tell him he would pay him. But it didn't make any difference. Denny made up for that one to Grandma, the next time he was there he mowed her yard, cleaned the gutters, and weeded her 1/2 acre Strawberry patch without any one asking him. Grandma felt so bad, she made Denny a bunch of fig cookies of his very own. So he was very "special" and he wouldn't even share even though we did offer to help him. Hopefully, God and Grandma didn't remember that one when she met him at the Pearly gates.
Denny must have known we were in the Cities for him yesterday. Right as Greg and I were leaving Minneapolis a "Trio" truck drove right past us. We didn't get a chance to call anyone didn't know we had to be there by 11, and Greg had to be a work at 3. Fast trip.