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Denny's sister

Driving home from the Cities yesterday, Greg and I were talking about Denny.  I was remembering the time we had gone to Grandma's for Dinner.  Grandma and I walked to church and the rest stayed at their house.  Grandma had a flat tire on her "52" Green Chevy and asked Denny to change it for her, which he did.  Earlier in the morning, Grandpa said he would give Denny 50 cents to change it for him.  So when Denny asked Grandma later for his 50 cents she said " you ate dinner didn't you"?  He said he did.  Nothing more was said about it.  Later after we had been home Grandma called and said Denny put her flat tire back on and Denny got in really big trouble with Dad.  I told Dad I heard Grandpa tell him he would pay him.  But it didn't make any difference.  Denny made up for that one to Grandma, the next time he was there he mowed her yard, cleaned the gutters, and weeded her 1/2 acre Strawberry patch without any one asking him.  Grandma felt so bad, she made Denny a bunch of fig cookies of his very own.  So he was very "special" and he wouldn't even share even though we did offer to help him.  Hopefully, God and Grandma didn't remember that one when she met him at the Pearly gates.


Denny must have known we were in the Cities for him yesterday.  Right as Greg and I were leaving Minneapolis a "Trio" truck drove right past us. We didn't get a chance to call anyone didn't know we had to be there by 11, and Greg had to be a work at 3.  Fast trip.

David Wardlow
It is difficult to let memories out and write them down, but it has a reward too, to share with others who love you Denny. Today I was thinking about the chores on the farm, and how the luck of the Irish always kept you safe brother. Remember the day we were throwing corn cobs at the cows (me, you, Bart and Doc) when the bull horned you in the butt, chased you through the pen and actually threw you over the fence? You didn't suffer broken bones, but probably learned to respect that old bull that day. Hey, remember the day we got a lecture from the high patrolman in the unmarked car when we threw a pear threw his open driver's window (and for throwing pears out of the tree at passing cars)? hahahahaha we were rascals brother. Oh, and the one day we were fishing north of SF on the Sioux River with Dad, Uncle Charlie, Doc, Bart and you peed on a hot wire fence LOL. I'll share again, when the tears stop flowing for a minute or two. We all love you so much and miss your voice, your face, your space filled here on this spinning planet. Find the peace brother, love you, your brother David. x PS I am attaching the first picture of many of my precious children and grandchildren. This pix is our Christopher and his son Vince on the Christmas train ride on the Robert E Lee in Jefferson Texas in December 2009. Vincent loves the train!!!
Linda S. Andersen

Recently my cousin and I went to Trio supply to bring the Drivers and the Office staff some rolls to start out their day.  We arrived at 5:45 a.m. to meet the other drivers we did not get to meet the last time Greg and I were there.  We had meet most of them at the Benefit held at Elsies but with so many people there it was hard to remember who we met and who we didn't.

Denny talked about work a lot and how it was the best part of his days.  He loved his job and the people he worked with.  The other family he had there was the guys and girls that he bowled and played softball with.  You all were such a big part of his life, and he cared very deeply for each and every one of you.  If there were problems with anyone  Denny would just roll it off his shoulders and go on.  He never stayed angry for very long.  Life is too short, way too short to hold Grudges!  Denny's zest for life was carried out in everything he did or tried to accomplish along the way.  I remember a lot about Denny, I could tell some good stories, but I think for the time being we will keep those to ourselves.

Denny made a lot of friends during his lifetime and hopefully you will all continue to to remember him as we do.  He was such a great brother and friend we could talk about anything which we did weekly.  I miss talking to him and hearing him say "Love you Kid" the most.  He is missed so much by our family. He would want all his family and friends to continue on as before his death.  It has been almost a year and it is still very fresh in our minds.  Some of the things our family has had to endure during this time were uncalled for and very cruel.  Something we are trying to put behind us.  Life goes on.  We would like to thank all of you for being Denny's friends and for being there when he needed someone to talk too.   Denny's family

Linda S. Andersen

Denny is our brother and we miss him so much.  His life was taken from us in the state of Colorado.  While on his way to a Bowling Tournament in Las Vegas.  The driver lived, Denny did not...  We have a lot of wonderful memories of Denny's life.  The fun we had as kids at our Grandparents house during the summers. Plus all the teasing we did while growing up.  Greg still laughs everytime he see Denny's shoes with the tassles on them.  Denny's coats still smells with his cologne which can bring a tears to my eyes in a heartbeat.

Denny was one of those nice guys that made a lot of friends and he would help anyone he could.  Denny never liked confrontations so he never won an arguement or would start one.  That stems from what our home life was like.  This was our first Christmas without seeing him or being able to talk to him on the phone. It was a very hard day for this family.

The lost of our brother is so heartbreaking, he was the best.  We live everyday with our grief, and knowing that he is not hurting anymore.  But, being a little selfish, I would give anything to be able to see him once more, just to say goodbye to him, which we did not get to do. Our children miss their Uncle and they too did not get to say goodbye to him which would have been easier for all of us. Don't let a day go by without telling your family that you love them.  I am so glad I told Denny everytime I talked to him that I loved him and he told me the same.  David and I tell each other the same everyday also.

I read some of the Memories for Denny and if someone does as Denny did and a kind word to someone who is having problems bowling, or a bad day at work or at softball, just think of what would Denny say or do?  We miss you Denny and Love you very much.  Your sister and brother

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