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Tom Hanson Friend and classmate December 25, 2010

Denny was such a good friend.  We had a lot of fun in school and out of school.  Also in the Navy.  Even though he about got us in big trouble one night.  Or maybe that was me?  I drank- he didn't.  We were late coming back from town and he sneaked us back on the ship, with the help of a few friends.


We were on our way to quarters and ran into the captain and Denny stuttered a few times and the captain was going to read him the riot act and I threw up all over the corridor we were in, and he let us pass.  With a "Clean up" that mess before you go to bed.  Denny threw up cleaning up after me.  I about never lived that down!  I was lucky after that to get one beer finished before he ran us out of the bars.  He only went so he could dance with all the girls.  What a dancer he was, I had forgotten that until now.  Since we were single and free we did have a lot of fun.


We got to call home about twice a month.  He got letters all the time from his Mom and sister.  His sister sent new photos of Dawn all the time.  He said she was his "little pin up" girl.  He just adored her.  She was born just before we went into the Navy, so she must be about ....Oh she's really young.  Wonder if she is still a cutie pie?


Dave told me that Linda's sons played softball too.  From the time they were 4 and 5 they played till they were about 17 and got interested in girls.  Too bad Kris wouldn't release Denny's sports gear to his nephews.   I am pretty sure he would have wanted them to have his stuff!  What would she want it for, she couldn't wait to drop him.  That, I heard from some of his friends in the cities. I guess when you start out mean, you just stay mean!  I keep forgetting to ask his sister about his sports gear.  Of course, she probably wouldn't say anything about her anyway.  I will approach her very carefully next time.  The only girl on earth who ever gave me a black and blue eye and eyebrow.  Serves me right too.


Denny was the Best, and we have lost a great friend.  I only wish we had been in contact sooner.  I could have got to spend some time with him and not at the Cemetary.  You are missed, your sense of humor and your one eye jokes.  I heard from Dave that they called you "Wally" at work.  Your sister had your jacket on the day I made the serious mistake at the cemetary and sneaked up on her and grabbed her!  That girl can scream and she packs quite a punch. For a skinny kid!!


My wife still laughs everytime she thinks about your sister smacking me. She got to laughing in the car going home and she had me laughing so hard I had to pull off the road I couldn't quit laughing.  She says "Good job Linda",  apparently my wife must have wanted to belt me a time or two.  Can't imagine why?  


I could tell some more stories on Denny, but I will wait till a later date.  Remember to always tell your family how much you care about them, because this happened to Denny and It could happen to any of us we just never know when it's our time.  Merry Christmas to Denny's family and all of the people who really cared about our friend.


Tom Hanson and family

Dave Johnson Friend November 13, 2010



Another Holiday is coming up and we got through Halloween.  A lot has happened since you left us.  Your family has not heard one word from the drivers family which I find very strange.  It may just be me though.


Michelle agreed to marry me and we did the fast wedding a couple weeks ago.  It has been wonderful.  How come you can pick them for me and you never could for you?  The great one you let slip through your fingers.  You had a great wife in Patty, you two should have stayed together forever, you would still be here. Did she ever find out you had supper with her Aunt and Uncle about Once a week or coffee with her sisters every weeks until you died.  I wonder how she felt did you ever tell you sister, you two were two peas in a pod.  Knowing you You did?


We miss you,  will try to see your family in a week or so.   Give my folkes hugs and Joes sisters too. 


Your friends forever, Dave and Michelle Johnson

Michelle Hanson Friend February 1, 2010

To Denny's Brother and Sister,


Your brother was such a great guy, and I can't imagine how life has been for the two of you and your family since Denny was killed.  He was always such a great friend to everyone who knew him.  Bowling is not any fun anymore and it is so totally quiet without him there.  His name is still brought up everytime I see anyone who knows him and about how much he is missed.  I quit bowling because I only went to see all of the "fun people" who made it enjoyable even if your team lost,  "there is always the next game" he'd say. He listened to me when I had problems in life and only gave a little advise but he always said you will figure it out.  He said he couldn't give any marriage advise because he had two ex-wives.  What a guy.  My son misses him a lot, he taught him how to hit a ball when he was little.  Plus, gave him a lot of tips on bowling.  Denny was so much fun he didn't care who you were he would try to include you in anything that he could.  The guys he bowled with should start a bowling team called "Denny's angels" he would get the biggest kick out of that. We miss your brother and we feel your loss everyday.  Michelle and Andy

Tessa Johnson friend January 9, 2010

To the Wardlow and Andersen family,

Linda and David, our family would like to expess our deepest sympathy to your family for the loss of your brother.  This past eight months has been like a nightmare you cannot wake up from.  Denny was taken from this world way to early and he had a lot of living to yet to do.


I know you all miss him so much, I saw it in your eyes that day at the cemetary.  It is so unfair, but you cannot argue with God, he must have had very special plans for Denny.  Denny has made a lot of new friends in heaven and has seen a lot of old friends, parents, grandparents, aunts uncles and some cousins.  He must have a bunch of softball games going and a lot of bowling teams started and he is just waiting for the rest of his teammates to join him, and he is in no hurry for that yet!


His friends at work miss him also, Dave heard a lot of people at the Benefit at Elsies Bowling that night, and saw a lot of tears.  He will miss his friend and I will miss my old friend, but  we have made a new one friend with his sister.  As one friendship closes, another begins.  You have a lot of people who miss  your brother as much as you do.  So, if there is ever anything we an do for your family, please let us know.  Your brother was a great friend to all.


Sincerely, Tessa Johnson

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